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Saint Leo the Great School
550 Newman Springs Road, Lincroft, NJ 07738
Phone: 732-741-3133 Fax: 732-741-2241

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A Message from the Principal

February 9, 2025


Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope you are enjoying your weekend and navigated the inclement weather!

Last week we had our 3rd grade Spelling Bee. The students did a fantastic job competing against one another. Congratulations to Connor McGill, our 3rd grade winner!

Our “Souper Bowl” collection was a tremendous success. Over 820 cans were collected to be donated to Lunch Break and the Food Barn. Both recipients were grateful and appreciative of your generosity. As we know many go without basic necessities and it is these opportunities where the SLG community continues to shine, so once again I thank you. Additionally, our students placed their votes with their can donations to determine who they think will be this year’s Superbowl Champions. The projected winner is the Philadelphia Eagles with 497 cans and the Kansas City Chiefs came in with 323 cans. Good luck to both teams today and it will be fun to see if our student’s predictions were correct!

Although the 100th day of school was on Friday, our kindergarten and first grade students will be celebrating this fun day tomorrow. I hope that postponing this day of activities, our students are feeling better and will be back in the building to participate.

Due to a schedule conflict, we needed to reschedule our guest speaker, Jodi Dauses. On March 22nd at 9:30 in the AAC. Jodi will be speaking to the community about “Walking with a Purpose”. Jodi is the author of “The Irreplaceable Mother” and I know this will be a wonderful opportunity to grow more in our faith. I hope you are able to attend. The flyer is on our website in the Faith and Religion tab, where you can find the link to register for this event.

As we enter the 2nd week of February, we will be celebrating Random Acts of Kindness Week. Our school counselors have a simple gesture or activity planned for each day this week. An instant alert was sent out last week with the details. For your reference, the weekly schedule is as follows:

Kindness Week 2025

Monday, February 10th: Manners Monday

Students are encouraged to practice good manners at home and school: hold the door for one another, say “please and thank you”, take turns, share and speak respectfully.

Tuesday, February 11th: Thoughtful Tuesday: Do something to make someone feel good!

Students will be encouraged to come up with random acts of Kindness and will be displayed in the cafeteria.

Wednesday, February 12th: Wave Wednesday: Give a compliment!

Students are encouraged to write a heartfelt compliment for someone—a classmate, a teacher, or a staff member.

Thursday, February 13th: Thankful Thursday: Who deserves a thank-you?

Students are encouraged to write a simple “Thank You” note to family, friends, teachers, coaches, etc. (available during break and lunch in the Cafeteria at our Appreciation Station)

A number of our 7th grade students will be reading a kindness book to the elementary students.

Friday, February 14th: Friendship Friday: Who Needs a Friend?

Make a new friend or reconnect with an old one by sitting with them at lunch or playing with them at recess.

This week our kindergarten and 8th graders will be working together for a fun activity. This was piloted last year, and all students had a fun time implementing this activity. These opportunities allow our graduating class to be a role model for our younger students and it is a joy watching them interact with one another.

As a reminder, we are closed on Monday, February 17th in recognition of President’s Day. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.


Ephesians 4:32: "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you"


Caroline Fitzgerald, MA Eds.








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