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News & Announcements
January 19, 2025
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you are having a nice extended weekend and are able to enjoy some relaxing time with your family.
This past week our Middle Schoolers had their midterm exams. Any student who still needs to take theirs should have received an email from Mrs. Moran, our school counselor, with their makeup schedule.
The Scripps Spelling Bee will be rescheduled due to the numerous amount of students who were out on Friday. Students will be having their classroom competitions on Tuesday, January 21st during their scheduled LA class. Therefore, we needed to change our schoolwide competition to Thursday, January 30th. The event will still be livestreamed for all those to see. The competition will begin at 9:00AM. We will send out the link the morning of the event. I wish them all the best of luck!
Next week we celebrate Catholic School’s Week. There are several days planned with events for our school. Our teachers will be recognized on Tuesday, January 28th. On Wednesday, January 29th we will have our schoolwide mass at 9:00AM followed by our Open House for existing families. I hope you are able to join us. On Thursday, January 30th we will have our Scripps Spelling Bee and finally on Friday, January 31st we will celebrate Student Appreciation Day.
As the cold weather is upon us, we are also seeing a rise in student illnesses. Please do not send your child in if they are not feeling well. The goal is to keep them safeand healthy. Sending them in under the weather increases others to become ill or for your child to catch additional symptoms. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping everyone as healthy as possible. Additionally, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately to go outside for their recess. We do our best to provide outside time for a much-needed break for the students. I do not want to have to keep them in if they are not prepared for the weather.
I hope you all have a blessed week.
Caroline Fitzgerald, MA Eds.
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